I'm a graduate of Digipen Institute of Technology in Redmond, Washington, having graduated in May 2010 with a Bachelor's in Real Time Interactive Simulation (Computer Science). In my time at DigiPen, I've worked as a producer and programmer on four yearly game projects and several side projects; including a Texas Hold'em Poker game/bot that showcases AI (made in a few weeks) and a Bezier Spline generator developed in C#. As I prepare myself for a career in doing what I love, I'm looking for companies that are passionate about making high quality entertaining games and continue to push the industry's limits when it comes to technology and fun.
On the side, I like to relax with some games of <insert console FPS here> with friends and delve into various titles old and new. I like to experience as many different games as possible, so I'm always on the look out for the next hidden gem.
Please check out my Projects page or click the links below to see more information and samples of my work.
System Shock 2 | Amnesia: The Dark Descent | STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl | League of Legends | Gears of War 3: Beta | 9 Hours 9 Persons 9 Doors | The Witcher >
Senior year game project: Apsis. A four programmer, one artist project.
Example Producer's Report for Apsis, created in MS Word 2007 and updated on a weekly basis.
Apsis uses a Trac setup to track tasks and bugs throughout milestones.
The Gantt chart and timeline was created for six milestones and a team of four people (plus artists).
Initial scheduling document for deciding what tasks should be accomplished for the milestone (Product Backlog and Sprint Backlog).
Junior year project, Protogami - a 3D action shooter with an origami art style.
Our GDD was used as an example of great design and content for our Junior Game class.
Made to explore how C# works and what it can do, this program generates curves in several modes: NLI, Berstein-Bezier, Midpoint and DeBoor.
Exploring C# and Decision Trees with a twist of Texas Hold'em, this demo was made in three weeks.